Aashiqa Najjar Abrahams I originally bought this moisturiser for my client makeup kit, and ended up taking it with on a trip to Cape Town because of the convenient packaging. I've been using it for about 3 weeks now and honestly, my skin is TRANSFORMED! Definitely did not expect these fabulous results when I purchased it. So happy <3
Odile Finotti I swear! The BEST MOISTURIZER I’ve EVER used!! You’d laugh if you had to see what my empty tube looks like. Ugh, I’m inlove.
Chelandré Van Staden Fantastic product!
Leana De Klerk This moisurizer is precisely what the name suggest. Creamy but still lightweight and super hidrating. You can feel the goodness. I love it.
Hayley Dodgen Love the citrus smell of this product, also leaves my skin feeling hydrated, no purging for as long as I have been using it.